

Created by Tommy Sunzenauer

Hell has broken loose in this post-apocalyptic industrial-medieval Chainsaw & Sorcery Death Metal hack of Mörk Borg.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

It's done! We did it
7 months ago – Thu, Jul 04, 2024 at 11:22:02 AM

And what a ride! Thank you all, this amazing result makes me able to make an amazing product! 

Now, back to work! I will probably be a bit silent here on Kickstarter, but that's just because I will focus all of my energy on writing, drawing and designing MÖRK DÖD. 

Until then, join our Discord here:

And our facebook group here:

Thanks again everyone! 

Best regards 

Tommy Sunzenauer 

ALMOST THERE! (and new artwork reveal)
7 months ago – Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 02:12:44 PM


We are so close to reaching our last stretch goal, which will unlock loads of new content for the book! We are talking at least 15 more pages including a Rift Generator, new character class, new special weapons and more! LET'S DO THIS!


"The First Rift was opened during The Great Excavation, led by King Fathmu IX.

With unprecedented technology, his machines, fueled by the exact substance they were built to extract, dug deeper than Man had ever been before. They stopped at nothing, and when they encountered the burning runes, deep within the core of the world, The Greedy King was certain, that he had stumbled upon a new and greater source of energy.

He could not have been more wrong.

As the wall of burning runes were demolished, The Seventh Seal was broken, and the door to the void was opened. The Rift swallowed all, machine as man, and forth swarmed the Daemons, and doom was upon us."

Check put this awesome new artwork by Vault Crawler, one of the unlocked stretch goals for the campaign. His cartoony bonkers style mixed with death metal demons really fucking rocks!

"The Rifts" by Vault Crawler

\m/ Tommy

Stretch goal update!
8 months ago – Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 07:16:00 AM

Hi everyone! 

Sorry for the silence, I just moved to a new home with my family, and then I went to a festival, Copenhell, to see Dying Fetus and Jungle Rot. Let's call it an inspiration trip 😁

I updated the stretch goals - one of them, a red ribbon sewn into the book, is already unlocked. The next, and final, stretchgoal is MORE CONTENT! This will include a Rift Generator - a mechanic adjecent to the Calender of Nechrubel from Mork Borg: Each dawn you roll to see if a new Rift (gate to Hell) will open, and what miseries will follow. 

There will also be extended lore, a new character class (The Voidgrinder) and a timeline of terrible world events 💀

So please share the campaign to get an even better product! 

Thanks for your support! 


All stretch goals unlocked
8 months ago – Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 11:37:21 AM

We have unlocked all stretch goals! This is awesome, and the book just gets better and better! 

I have some ideas for new goals, but I am in the middle of moving to a new apartment, so things are a bit hectic. But next week I will add them to the campaign! 

Thank you all 🤘

Stretch goal update!
8 months ago – Thu, Jun 06, 2024 at 06:30:44 AM

We are ploughing through the stretch goals, people! THANK YOU!

So far we have unlucked artwork by John De Campos, Vault Crawler and Johan Nohr, and an adventure by John Baltisberger.

The next stretch goal is the ARCH DAEMON 3D MODEL STL! This model will be free for all Arch Daemon tier backers, and available for purchase later for everyone else when you check out.

If you want this STL, NOW IS THE TIME TO SHARE THE PROJECT! We are almost there! :)

Best regards

Tommy Sunzenauer